Short Films
Mission Statement: To create an amazing learning experience while teaching a hands on approach in a
practical way teaching ftlmmaking to Children in a fun manner with no lectures.
About The Program: Children's Film Academy is integrated curriculum supports social skills through teaching
the importance of sharing ideas, listening, teamwork and collaboration. We teach every aspect off ilmmaking,
including research, screen writing, technical camera work, story boarding, lighting, audio recording/or film,
direction from behind the camera and video editing. Students will team up to form a film crew and perform all
of the different roles involved in making an animated short film. Film making is fun and we firmly believe that
classes about filmmaking should be fun as well. No lectures here - the best way to learn is by doing. All of our
classes are limited to 10 or 12 students and everyone is encouraged to "get their hands dirty." We love filmmaking, and we'll eager to help you learn the craft while you bring your own film dreams to life.